Investing in a New Era
While today's uncertainties cloud the macro view, our outlook for investing remains bright. In our special report, we share where we are seeing compelling opportunities ahead across our global platform.
Promovemos o alinhamento de interesses com nossos investidores ao investir ao lado deles: mais de 30% do capital sob gestão em nossos fundos privados é nosso e normalmente somos o maior investidor. Nosso objetivo é simples: gerar crescimento e retornos de longo prazo atraentes e ajustados ao risco para nossos investidores, a fim de atender aos stakeholders, tudo isso oferecendo o mais elevado nível de serviço.
Build value in businesses through our vast operating team of hundreds of thousands of employees.
Invest consistently throughout economic cycles, leveraging our deep bench of knowledge and on-the-ground insights.
Execute transactions of a size that few others can match through our access to substantial flexible capital.
Brookfield serves institutional investors globally by providing solutions across renewable power & transition, infrastructure, private equity, real estate and credit.
Brookfield serves institutional investors globally by providing solutions across renewable power & transition, infrastructure, private equity, real estate and credit.
Explore our latest insights across global real estate markets, with outlooks from our business leaders.
Explore our latest insights on the macro forces driving infrastructure development.