How would you describe what your team does?
We evaluate potential investment opportunities across sectors such as industrial, business services, technology, and healthcare. Our team executes the deal and, once the business is acquired, work closely with our management and operations teams to run it and affect change.
What stands out about Brookfield?
I didn’t fully appreciate how collaborative we are. If I’m looking for an opportunity in a particular sector, there’s usually someone in the broader Brookfield ecosystem I can call who also wants me to succeed. And, because of our regional presence, we can glean those local nuances.
“You're not just an advisor. You're thinking as an owner."
Was there anything that surprised you?
That your opinion is valued regardless of your title, which is really unique. In fact, junior team members are proactively asked for their take on a problem. Secondly, because of the niche businesses we work with, I’ve been able to become a subject matter expert in a relatively short period of time.
Tell us about a memorable project
After being involved in the underwriting of a financial services investment within our strategy, I continue to be involved with strategic decisions at the company – having regular dialogue with the C-Suite at such an early stage of my career has been an amazing experience.