Notas finais:
1 Atlas interativo do IPCC.
2. World Resources Institute, gráfico interativo; dados da Climate Watch.
3. Laboratório Nacional de Energia Renovável do Departamento de Energia dos EUA, Electrification Futures Study, julho de 2018.
4. AIE, “Pathway to critical and formidable goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 is narrow but brings huge benefits”, maio de 2021.
5. AIE, “Net Zero by 2050”, maio de 2021.
6. Bloomberg, Building New Renewables Is Cheaper Than Burning Fossil Fuels, 23 de junho de 2021.
7. As referências a “carbono” geralmente são usadas em lugar de “equivalente de dióxido de carbono” (CO2e), que inclui outros gases de efeito estufa, como metano, óxido nitroso etc.
8. Financial Times, “Biden plans push to enact clean electricity standard”, 30 de junho de 2021.
9. Toronto Star, “How Bill C-12 aims to guide Canada to net zero”, 30 de junho de 2021.
10. Amazon, “Amazon Becomes Largest Corporate Buyer of Renewable Energy in the U.S.”, 23 de junho de 2021.
11. Facebook, “Achieving our goal: 100% renewable energy for our global operations”, 15 de abril de 2021.
12. BASF, “Vattenfall to sell 49.5% of the offshore wind farm Hollandse Kust Zuid to BASF”, 24 de junho de 2021.
13. Agência Internacional de Energia Renovável, “World Adds Record New Renewable Energy Capacity in 2020”, 5 de abril de 2021.
14. AIE, “Global carbon dioxide emissions are set for their second-biggest increase in history”, 20 de abril de 2021.
15. AIE, “Pathway to critical and formidable goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 is narrow but brings huge benefits”, 18 de maio de 2021.
16. Casa Branca, “FACT SHEET: Historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal”, 28 de julho de 2021.
17. Casa Branca, “FACT SHEET: The American Jobs Plan”, 3 de março de 2021.
18. Global Industry Analysts, Distributed Generation (DG) Global Market Trajectory & Analytics, agosto de 2021
19. Bloomberg, “Solar is Dirt-Cheap and About to Get Even More Powerful”, 6 de julho de 2021.
20. Departamento de Energia dos EUA, “Wind Repowering Helps Set the Stage for Energy Transition”, 2 de junho de 2021.
21. Financial Times, “US offshore wind projects test strength of Joe Biden’s green jobs promise”, 12 de maio de 2021.
22. New York Times, “Biden Administration Approves Nation’s First Major Offshore Wind Farm”, 12 de maio de 2021.
23. Wood Mackenzie, “Americas to lead global energy storage market by 2025”, 20 de abril de 2021.
24. Wood Mackenzie, “Americas to lead global energy storage market by 2025”, 20 de abril de 2021.
25. Administração de Informações de Energia dos EUA, “U.S. large-scale battery storage power capacity increased 35% in 2020”, 16 de agosto de 2021.
26. Bloomberg, “California’s Solar Industry Is Getting Sunburned”, 11 de março de 2021.
27. Amazon, “Amazon Becomes Europe’s Largest Corporate Buyer of Renewable Energy", 19 de abril de 2021.
28. Apple, “Apple powers ahead in new renewable energy solutions with over 110 suppliers”, 31 de março de 2021.
29. Wall Street Journal, “Startup Claims Breakthrough in Long-Duration Batteries”, 22 de julho de 2021.
30. Bloomberg, “The Hidden Science Making Batteries Better, Cheaper and Everywhere”, 27 de abril de 2021.
31. Wall Street Journal, “The Battery Is Ready to Power the World”, 5 de fevereiro de 2021.
32. Wall Street Journal, “Natural Gas, America’s No. 1 Power Source, Already Has a New Challenger: Batteries”, 16 de maio de 2021.
33. Bloomberg, “The Hidden Science Making Batteries Better, Cheaper and Everywhere”, 27 de abril de 2021.
34. Administração de Informações de Energia dos EUA, “Hydrogen explained”, 7 de janeiro de 2021.
35. Naturgy, “Naturgy presents its strategic plan for the period to 2025 with investments of 14 billion to strengthen its role in the energy transition”, 28 de julho de 2021.
36. Comissão Europeia, “A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe”, 8 de julho de 2021.
37. Comissão Europeia, “In focus: Hydrogen – driving the green revolution”, 14 de abril de 2021.
38. Gas for Climate, “European Hydrogen Backbone grows to 40,000 km, covering 11 new countries”, 13 de abril de 2021.
39. Site da Comissão Europeia, “EU climate action and the European Green Deal”.
40. Conselho de Hidrogênio, “Hydrogen Investment Pipeline Grows to $500 Billion in Response to Government Commitments to Deep Decarbonization”, julho de 2021.
41. BloombergNEF, “Green Hydrogen to Outcompete Blue Everywhere by 2030”, 5 de maio de 2021.
42. Nel, “Nel CMD 2021: Launches 1.5 USD/kg target for green renewable hydrogen to outcompete fossil alternatives”, 21 de janeiro de 2021.
43. Departamento de Energia dos EUA, “Secretary Granholm Launches Hydrogen Energy Earthshot to Accelerate Breakthroughs Toward a Net-Zero Economy”, 7 de junho de 2021.
44. Standard & Poor’s, “Experts explain why green hydrogen costs have fallen and will keep falling”, 5 de março de 2021.
45. Wall Street Journal, “We Need a Better Grid and Better Policies”, 4 de março de 2021.